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How To Get a Massachusetts Real Estate License

Massachusetts Real Estate License Requirements It takes about 40 hours to complete an approved Massachusetts real estate license exam prep course and on average takes students 2-4 weeks. This article explains exactly what you need to know to get a Massachusetts Real Estate License. First, to see if you qualify to become a Massachusetts real

2020 Connecticut Real Estate License Renewal Requirements

2020 is the first renewal year that requires TWO mandatory courses. Historically there has been one 3 credit hour mandatory topic per renewal period, but 2020 is the beginning of a new era. The state Department of Consumer Protection determined there was enough content licensees needed to be trained/refreshed on that they created two courses.

Complete The 2020 Connecticut Continuing Education Courses Online

The 2020 Connecticut real estate agent license renewal deadline is coming up. If you haven’t completed your continuing ed yet, you need to complete 12 credit hours of continuing ed before March 31 (for brokers) or May 31 (for agents). In Connecticut all continuing ed courses are individually approved for 3 credit hours which means

Keep Me Certified Corporate Codes

Keep Me Certified Corporate Codes are for real estate brokerages and associations. Offer your entire office or organization free access to our online pre-licensure and continuing ed courses

Renew your Connecticut Real Estate License Online!

With more than 20,000 real estate agents in Connecticut, we are sure you are not the only agent wondering where and if you can renew your Connecticut real estate license online.  The answer is: YES. Every two years real estate agents, salespersons and brokers must complete 12 credit hours worth of continuing education courses to keep

Prepare To Pass the Massachusetts Real Estate License Exam

Are you looking to take and pass the Massachusetts real estate license exam? This article is for you. Keep Me Certified is a Massachusetts licensed real estate school Based in Boston, Keep Me Certified offers the required 40-hour real estate license exam prep class to qualified candidates once per month. We are based in Boston and our

Massachusetts Real Estate License Class Online

September 2017 we completed our first online Massachusetts 40-hour Real Estate License course by streaming it online. The course ran smoothly and we received great feedback from our students. The purpose of this post is to give you insight into how Keep Me Certified prepares students to both pass the exam and proceed to have

How to Renew a Connecticut Real Estate License

It is a simple process to keep your Connecticut real estate license active. The purpose of this article is to simplify the Connecticut real estate license renewal process for CT real estate agents and brokers. Connecticut Real Estate License Renewal Requirements Below are the requirements that are the same for both CT real estate agents and

Lowest Cost Real Estate Continuing Ed in Massachusetts

Are you searching for the lowest cost real estate continuing ed course? You are here which means you came to the right place.  In Massachusetts real estate agents need to complete 12 continuing ed credits every two years.  Keep Me Certified offers the Massachusetts real estate continuing ed courses online for $45. Completing our courses is

Announcement: New Instructor Added to Our Massachusetts Course Offering

We are excited to announce and welcome the newest member of the KMC Team, Jeff Chute.  Jeff Chute is a real estate instructor and has spent the better part of his professional career working in real estate. He brings a careers worth of experiences, knowledge and wisdom to share with students during his classes.  In