Online Real Estate School Archive

The New NY Real Estate License Renewal Requirements as of September 21, 2022

There have been a series of regulatory updates for New York real estate licensees over the past two years. The new and current rules that apply to ALL New York real estate licensees (brokers and salespersons) on/after September 21, 2022 are as follows. This means if your real estate license expires on or after September

Understanding and Preventing Racial Bias in Real Estate – Online Continuing Ed Course

Keep Me Certified is fully approved by CT DCP to teach the Racial Bias course in an on demand self-paced format to satisfy the current mandatory CT continuing ed requirement...

Is New York DOS Requesting Copies of Your Continuing Ed Certificates?

This article is specifically for New York real estate brokers and salespersons who received an email from NY DOS requesting copies of their credits be submitted. There are two reasons that you may be requested to supply the NY DOS with copies of your certificates. The second reason is more common than the first, but

Rhode Island Real Estate Core and Elective Continuing Ed Course Requirements Explained

Rhode Island Real Estate Core and Elective Continuing Ed Renewal Requirements Every two years on even numbered years, all RI real estate licensees need to complete 24 hours of approved continuing ed credits. There are additional requirements contained within those 24 hours, some that went into effect back on Jan 1, 2022. What is a

How to Renew a New York Real Estate License in 2022 [New Rules]

In March, the NY DOS sent out an email to all licensees, which we have included at the bottom of this post. The new requirements for 2022 do not take effect until September 21, 2022. So if your current real estate license expires before September 21, 2022, nothing has changed for you, yet. If you

Massachusetts Real Estate License Exam Practice Tests

Keep Me Certified now offers a 700+ question test bank of multiple choice questions with answers and explanations to help candidate prepare to pass the Massachusetts real estate license exam on the first try.. There are many ways to prepare for the exam after completing an approved 40-hour Massachusetts real estate license exam prep course.

PSI Testing Locations in Massachusetts for the Real Estate License Exam

There are 12 PSI testing locations across Massachusetts and you can now take the Massachusetts real estate license exam from the comfort of your home! In this article we explain the steps to getting approved to take the Massachusetts real estate exam...

CT Real Estate Law For Brokers and Salesperson – Approved to Be Taught On Demand

This post should clear up any confusion regarding whether CT Brokers and Agents can complete the mandatory topics in a self-paced format or if they have to be taught live (ie Zoom) during the current 2020-2022 Connecticut real estate license renewal cycle. We encourage you to review our article explaining the 2022 Connecticut Real Estate

Keep Me Certified’s Code of Ethics Course and NAR

This article was written to respond to our students inquiring about their Code of Ethics course credits and the NAR Ethics course requirement.   Important background information: Keep Me Certified is a real estate school that is fully approved by the state real estate commission to offer continuing ed credits to licensees that satisfy the

New Hampshire – Post Licensing Requirements (Updated Dec 2023)

            There are new requirements effective October 1, 2024 since this article was written – you can read the latest requirements here. [This As a New Hampshire approved real estate school, we receive numerous inquiries from licensees about renewing their NH real estate license. Previously there were special continuing ed